понедельник, 14 сентября 2009 г.


Стиральные машины Bosch
        С вертикальной загрузкой
            Серия WOT - есть дисплей
                WOT 24551 OE
                WOT 24550 OE
                WOT 20351 OE
                WOT 20350 OE
            Серия WOT - нет дисплея
                WOR 20152 OE
                WOR 16152 OE
        С фронтальной загрузкой
                Серия Ligixx 8
                    Новый перфекционизм стирки. Наиболее совершенные стиральные машины Bosch.
                    Уникальный барабан VarioSoft — по желанию бережная или интенсивная стирка.
                    Загрузка до 8 кг белья при стандартных размерах машины (60 x 60 x 85 см).
                    Текстовый интерактивный дисплей на русском языке.
                    Наиболее широкий набор специальных программ стирки для различных типов тканей.
                    Автоматическое выведение 14 наиболее распространённых типов пятен.
                    WAS 2874 BOE
                    WAS 28741 OE
                    WAS 28740 OE
                    WAS 24741 OE
                    WAS 24740 OE
                    WAS 24441 OE
                    WAS 24440 OE
                    WAS 20441 OE
                    WAS 20440 OE
                Серия Logixx 10
                    Серия Logixx 10 New Dimension— Стирка в новом измерении.
                    Огромный барабан объемом 88 л вмещает до 10 кг белья.
                    Теперь можно стирать даже очень большие вещи, такие как занавески, одеяла, коврики.
                    За один раз можно выстирать больше — это экономия времени.
                    3D барабан с ассиметричными захватами специальной формы установлен с наклоном 13°.
                    При вращении барабана белье перемещается сразу в трех плоскостях, что обеспечивает повышение эффективности стирки.
                    Текстовый дисплей позволяет выбрать один из 17 языков сообщений, включая русский.
                    Машина знает, сколько воды находится в баке благодаря проточному датчику, который установлен в корпусе машины на заливной линии.
                    Благодаря такой информации достигается оптимизация процесса стирки.
                    WBB 24751 EU
                Серия Maxx
                    Серия Maxx — Maксимальная эффективность.
                    Полногабаритные стиральные машины с загрузкой 7 кг или 6 кг (Мaxx 7 и Maxx 6 соответственно).
                    Клавиши TouchControl, новый большой многофункциональный дисплей отображает в виде цифр и символов параметры программы и последовательность ее этапов*.
                    Новые специальные программы стирки.
                    WAE 28441 OE - 1400; 7; bd
                    WAE 24442 OE - 1200; 7; bd
                    WAE 2044 SOE - 1400; 7; bd
                    WAE 20442 OE - 1000; 7; bd
                    WAE 16442 OE -  800; 7; bd
                    WAE 24361 OE - 1200; 6; sd
                    WAE 20361 OE - 1000; 6; sd
                    WAE 20370 CE - 1000; 6; sd
                    WAE 24160 OE - 1200; 6; nd
                    WAE 20160 OE - 1000; 6; nd
                    WAE 16160 OE -  800; 6; nd
                Серия Classixx
                    Серия Classixx — экономичная серия стиральных машин с набором наиболее часто используемых функций и интуитивно ясной системой управления.
                    WAA 2427 SCE - 1200; 5; sd
                    WAA 24271 CE - 1200; 5; sd
                    WAA 20271 CE - 1000; 5; sd
                    WAA 20261 OE - 1000; 5; sd
                    WAA 16261 OE -  800; 5; sd
                    WAA 20170 CE - 1000; 5; bd - 10990(М-Видео)
                    WAA 16170 CE -  800; 5; bd
                Серия Maxx 5 — Maксимальная эффективность.
                    Клавиши TouchControl, новый большой многофункциональный дисплей отображает в виде цифр
                    и символов параметры программы и последовательность ее этапов.
                    Новые специальные программы стирки.
                    WLX 24461 OE - 1200; 4.5; bd;
                    WLX 20461 OE - 1000; 4.5; bd;
                    WLX 24361 OE - 1200; 4.5; sd;
                    WLX 20361 OE - 1000; 4.5; sd;
                    WLX 20370 CE - 1000; 4.5; sd;
                    WLX 20161 OE - 1000; 4.5; bd;
                    WLX 16161 OE -  800; 4.5; bd;

понедельник, 31 августа 2009 г.

two variants decorator pattern

public abstract class CalcDecorator implements Calc {

private Calc calc;

public CalcDecorator(Calc calc) {
this.calc = calc;

public void signClick() {

public class ChainOperationCalcDecorator extends CalcDecorator {

private boolean binaryOperation = false;

public ChainOperationCalcDecorator(Calc calc) {

public boolean equalsClick() {
boolean isOk = super.equalsClick();
binaryOperation = false;
return isOk;


But more better

public abstract class CalcDecorator implements Calc {

protected Calc calc;

public CalcDecorator(Calc calc) {
this.calc = calc;


public class ChainOperationCalcDecorator extends CalcDecorator {

private boolean binaryOperation = false;

public ChainOperationCalcDecorator(Calc calc) {

public boolean equalsClick() {
boolean isOk = calc.equalsClick();
binaryOperation = false;
return isOk;


пятница, 28 августа 2009 г.

What you can override in JTable (Java SE 6)


protected void configureEnclosingScrollPane()

If this JTable is the viewportView of an enclosing JScrollPane (the usual situation), configure this ScrollPane by, amongst other things, installing the table's tableHeader as the columnHeaderView of the scroll pane. When a JTable is added to a JScrollPane in the usual way, using new JScrollPane(myTable), addNotify is called in the JTable (when the table is added to the viewport). JTable's addNotify method in turn calls this method, which is protected so that this default installation procedure can be overridden by a subclass.

See Also:



protected void unconfigureEnclosingScrollPane()

Reverses the effect of configureEnclosingScrollPane by replacing the columnHeaderView of the enclosing scroll pane with null. JTable's removeNotify method calls this method, which is protected so that this default uninstallation procedure can be overridden by a subclass.


See Also:

removeNotify(), configureEnclosingScrollPane()


public void setCellSelectionEnabled(boolean cellSelectionEnabled)

Sets whether this table allows both a column selection and a row selection to exist simultaneously. When set, the table treats the intersection of the row and column selection models as the selected cells. Override isCellSelected to change this default behavior. This method is equivalent to setting both the rowSelectionAllowed property and columnSelectionAllowed property of the columnModel to the supplied value.


cellSelectionEnabled - true if simultaneous row and column selection is allowed
See Also:

getCellSelectionEnabled(), isCellSelected(int, int)


public void changeSelection(int rowIndex,

int columnIndex,
boolean toggle,
boolean extend)

Updates the selection models of the table, depending on the state of the two flags: toggle and extend. Most changes to the selection that are the result of keyboard or mouse events received by the UI are channeled through this method so that the behavior may be overridden by a subclass. Some UIs may need more functionality than this method provides, such as when manipulating the lead for discontiguous selection, and may not call into this method for some selection changes.

This implementation uses the following conventions:

  • toggle: false, extend: false. Clear the previous selection and ensure the new cell is selected.
  • toggle: false, extend: true. Extend the previous selection from the anchor to the specified cell, clearing all other selections.
  • toggle: true, extend: false. If the specified cell is selected, deselect it. If it is not selected, select it.
  • toggle: true, extend: true. Apply the selection state of the anchor to all cells between it and the specified cell.


    rowIndex - affects the selection at row
    columnIndex - affects the selection at column
    toggle - see description above
    extend - if true, extend the current selection



protected TableModel createDefaultDataModel()

Returns the default table model object, which is a DefaultTableModel. A subclass can override this method to return a different table model object.


the default table model object
See Also:



protected TableColumnModel createDefaultColumnModel()

Returns the default column model object, which is a DefaultTableColumnModel. A subclass can override this method to return a different column model object.


the default column model object
See Also:



protected ListSelectionModel createDefaultSelectionModel()

Returns the default selection model object, which is a DefaultListSelectionModel. A subclass can override this method to return a different selection model object.


the default selection model object
See Also:



protected JTableHeader createDefaultTableHeader()

Returns the default table header object, which is a JTableHeader. A subclass can override this method to return a different table header object.


the default table header object
See Also:



public TableCellRenderer getCellRenderer(int row,

int column)

Returns an appropriate renderer for the cell specified by this row and column. If the TableColumn for this column has a non-null renderer, returns that. If not, finds the class of the data in this column (using getColumnClass) and returns the default renderer for this type of data.

Note: Throughout the table package, the internal implementations always use this method to provide renderers so that this default behavior can be safely overridden by a subclass.


row - the row of the cell to render, where 0 is the first row
column - the column of the cell to render, where 0 is the first column

the assigned renderer; if null returns the default renderer for this type of object
See Also:

DefaultTableCellRenderer, TableColumn.setCellRenderer(javax.swing.table.TableCellRenderer), setDefaultRenderer(java.lang.Class, javax.swing.table.TableCellRenderer)


public Component prepareRenderer(TableCellRenderer renderer,

int row,
int column)

Prepares the renderer by querying the data model for the value and selection state of the cell at row, column. Returns the component (may be a Component or a JComponent) under the event location.

During a printing operation, this method will configure the renderer without indicating selection or focus, to prevent them from appearing in the printed output. To do other customizations based on whether or not the table is being printed, you can check the value of JComponent.isPaintingForPrint(), either here or within custom renderers.

Note: Throughout the table package, the internal implementations always use this method to prepare renderers so that this default behavior can be safely overridden by a subclass.


renderer - the TableCellRenderer to prepare
row - the row of the cell to render, where 0 is the first row
column - the column of the cell to render, where 0 is the first column

the Component under the event location


public TableCellEditor getCellEditor(int row,

int column)

Returns an appropriate editor for the cell specified by row and column. If the TableColumn for this column has a non-null editor, returns that. If not, finds the class of the data in this column (using getColumnClass) and returns the default editor for this type of data.

Note: Throughout the table package, the internal implementations always use this method to provide editors so that this default behavior can be safely overridden by a subclass.


row - the row of the cell to edit, where 0 is the first row
column - the column of the cell to edit, where 0 is the first column

the editor for this cell; if null return the default editor for this type of cell
See Also:



public Component prepareEditor(TableCellEditor editor,

int row,
int column)

Prepares the editor by querying the data model for the value and selection state of the cell at row, column.

Note: Throughout the table package, the internal implementations always use this method to prepare editors so that this default behavior can be safely overridden by a subclass.


editor - the TableCellEditor to set up
row - the row of the cell to edit, where 0 is the first row
column - the column of the cell to edit, where 0 is the first column

the Component being edited

tr - translate or delete characters

tr - translate or delete characters